
1926 good enough rating?

Hi,I recently reached my 1926 and 1900 on classical and blitz and I wanted to ask you guys if you think that 1900 is good enough for a 11 to be a IM ,GM or FM
To answer your question I show you my ratings :

Rapid Lichess : 1835
Classic Lichess : 1908

Fide rating standard : 1344
Congratulations. It is a commendable start. But in order to get to elite level you need to improve even more. If you can go beyond 2300 in rapid maybe you have a chance. Good luck.
Don't look at lichess ratings, FIDE rating is one that matters. 1900 rating on lichess isn't bad, but it's not enough nor close for any FIDE title (CM being the first one).
Yes but your not a high chance to be Titled level you Should probably about 2400 or beyond to answer your question
Fine, now you can ride a bike. The first step of a long journey to become a racing pro.

Blitz 1926 on lichess is about „average“ for young players; probably 1500-1600 in „slow“ FIDE chess (which is decisive for otb titles).
@Sarg0n So at what age would you consider too old to start improving and aiming for a title?

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