
7-piece Syzygy tablebases are complete

Is it possible to download the tablebase for C# use?
@finlip as I see the Lichess mobile app is not updated to use 7-piece tablebases (only up to 6), so no hurry :)
You talk a lot about the endgames that would be longest without the 50 move rule.
But what is the longest endgame when you apply the 50 move rule? One where the winning side just barely captures a piece/moves a pawn every 49ish moves.
@finlip No 7-piece variant tablebases, unfortunately. Atomic and antichess are even more difficult to generate and at the same time there is less interest. As for uninstalling Lomonosov, it depends on your use case. DTC/DTM or the particular interface might still be nice to have. You could also try if you like in your mobile browser.

@Sipo I don't think anyone has built a library for C# yet. So it would be quite a bit of work, either building it using C FFI or porting the entire probing code.

@gbtami I prepared the mobile app 4 months ago ;)
@revoof it doesn't worked when I wrote my answer (i got some strange message I can't remember) but it's ok now. Strange.
Oh, ok. Please let me know if it happens again.
Kudos to the developers and the the entire Lichess team for making Chess and it's various tools available to all on the planet (free + ad-free). It's gutsy in a commercial environment to stand against all odds and making a difference.

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