
Do u smell a rat?

I really don't know about this Sarg0n...
You know what they say...
It's always fun until somebody gets hurt...
Not sure what happens after that, but that's what they say u no
It is a draw, but white could have won with a counterintuitive move 2. It is amazing how rich simple positions can be.
But maybe it's not that counterintuitive as it may seem.

One of the most important endgame principles is to centralize your king.
Secondly, you must also stop the promotion threat.

The only two moves that do both, are Bb6 or Bc5.
Taking the pawn on e3 also stops the promotion threat, but it gives up the center.

Which is very important for white, as after Kxe3 white cannot push back the black King anymore. To do that, the white King needs to reach the center (d4, because e4 is blocked by the black pawn) . If black plays right, white will never be able to reach it again.

Stockfish doesn't seem to see the winning move, so there might be some room for improvement...
2.Bc5 e2 , 3.Bb4 Kd7 , 4.Ke5 Kc6 , 5.Kf6 Kd5 , 6.Kxg6 Ke4 , 7.Kh5 f4 , 8.Be1 Kf3 , 9.g6 Kg2 , 10.g7 Kf1 , 11.Bd2 f3 , 12.g8=Q e1=Q , 13.Bxe1 Kxe1 ,14.Qe6+ Kd2 , 15.Qd5+ Ke3 , 16.Kg4 f2 , 17.Qc4 f1=Q , 18.Qxf1

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