
I screwed up win

This is not the firs time I screw up wiinig position. What do you think about this game ?
Here is a link to my study on this game's endgame: In summary: both sides made many endgame blunders, but the deciding move was 41. Ke6??, allowing Black to play Rc5 and capturing your passed pawn. Even though you could capture Black's a-pawn, you were a pawn down.

You were lucky that the only pawn Black could pass with perfect play was a rook pawn, a draw, and that the timing was just right so that even if 60... Kxg6, you could take the opposition (where kings are facing each other and it's the opponent's turn, forcing them to move away by zugzwang) with Kg4 and just move back until stalemate or draw. White to move would be a disaster as now Black has the opposition and can safely move the king two squares ahead of the passed pawn, a win regardless of who it is to move.

Finally, I think the reason that this type of situation hasn't happened before is because of insufficient endgame knowledge. I can attest to that as I always mess up endgames myself. Nonetheless, there are plenty of endgame resources that are a search away.

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