
Woodpecker method lichess studies

I use Anki. Right now I only have 1000 puzzles in my set, but I want to add more, every time I study a book, hopefully I can get to around 10 000 and be able to knock them out quickly.
@greysensei said in #11:
> I use Anki.

Do you use any chess-specific addons?
I love Anki and I use it for everything else but not for chess content so far.
@rooooks No chess specific add-ons. Just puzzle and solution on the back. I made my own set. There's a good set of 1500 puzzles out there, check out FM Jack Puccini on YouTube, he has a link to it. But I made my own from the Steps method.
Create a study with your failed Lichess puzzles.
then as said before, use Lucas chess for repetition training.
is there a clever way of importing failed puzzles into lucas? can lucas import lichess studies?

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