
OTB v Online; Lichess v

Is anybody WAY worse over the board than online? My average win over my last 380 games on is against 1607 and average loss is against 1639. My current Lichess is high 1900s but I have not played near as many as on

Anyway, I have a chess board/table outside of my business on the street which is very popular and gets lots of play from passerbys. I will often play and honestly I feel like I play at a sub 1400 level equivalent OTB. I will hang a queen and miss obvious forks by Knights, one move deep- moves that I would hardly ever make online. Heck I have even moved my bishop on the wrong diagonal a couple of times. Does anyone else have this level of disparity irl OTB v online?
Don't know my OTB strength but according to my stats I have won twice against 1300 FIDE, once agianst 1450 FIDE, one against 1600 FIDE, drew one against 1700 and 1800 FIDE each. I played about 7 OTB tournaments but faced only these FIDE rated players. Also upto Jan 2020 only since then I haven't played any.
OTB feels nicer, and things look far different and playing is different. Online is more convenient and looks nice! It also allows you to see tactics, etc. Easier! But in terms of vs, lichess is GOAT.
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