
Seekers of wisdom

@Long_Quach said in #72:
> @screamingmonsters
> Catholicism. Just because they are the best and they set the model for all other religions.
> Oopsie. Slightly incorrect name. The correct name is The Roman Catholic Church. They inherited The Roman Empire.

@Long_Quach I doubt that Catholic church has set the model for all other religions, especially of those older than Catholicism itself. Secondly, it seems that you have to update your history knowledge, mainly because Catholicism appeared in 1054 CE, after an event named "The Great Schism". So, there are at list five thousand years of history which are unknown to you. lol

What's older than Catholicism? Hmm. Judaism.

People read what we call The Old Testament because of Christianity (That's Catholicism + Protestant's tag team), not because of Judaism.

Now I have to look up the Schism thing.

I spent 5 minutes looking it up. I got it.

Greek. The Russians adopted The Eastern Orthodox Church (I like that name: straight-teaching). Cyrillic.

In case you haven't notice, we are communicating in the LATIN alphabet, not Greek. The Western Civilizations surpassed Russia and the Soviet Union.

SPQR m************.

As I said, "The Roman Catholic Church inherited the (Western) Roman Empire".
@Katzenschinken said in #38:
> So on one hand you make a claim from ancient times (that nobody can verify) that religion educates people.

See that?

The Eastern Orthodox Church laid down the foundation for the Russian language itself and the whole of the Soviet Union.
@Long_Quach said in #83:
> @screamingmonsters
> What's older than Catholicism? Hmm. Judaism.
> People read what we call The Old Testament because of Christianity (That's Catholicism + Protestant's tag team), not because of Judaism.


There is a slight difference between Catholic Bible and the Protestant's Bible. The Catholic Bible has a few extra books. Those extra books are part of Judaism Oral Traditions.

The Catholic Bible preserves more of Judaism than the Protestant Bible.

Buy the Catholic Bible. It has 10% more extra ingredients than the leading brand!
@Long_Quach said in #83:
> @screamingmonsters
> What's older than Catholicism? Hmm. Judaism.
> People read what we call The Old Testament because of Christianity (That's Catholicism + Protestant's tag team), not because of Judaism.
> Now I have to look up the Schism thing.
Hinduism is older than Catholicism
@SohamJog said in #87:
> Hinduism is older than Catholicism

I do know that. What little I know about Hinduism, it sounds like Star Trek. Their concept of time, causality and reality is like science fiction. It is very advanced. It is like Star Trek.

One time, at work, I wanted to show off what the Salad Shooter can do. I wanted to bring the salad I made to work. The party was cancelled or something like that. A lady from India told me, "There will be another time."

That eased my pain. That is the most profound thing I've ever heard.

There will be another time. There will ALWAYS be another time. Not another party. But another universe outside of our own. If the universe is born and die and born and die over and over again, they there will ALWAYS be ANOTHER TIME.

If a chess game is a universe. Born and die. There is always another game. Another life. Another world.
@Long_Quach said in #88:
> I do know that. What little I know about Hinduism, it sounds like Star Trek. >

In a chess club of 50 players, we pair up.

That is what life is. We pair up in marriage and live in a house. In a chess game, there are only 2 people "talking" to each other, and your see other couples playing their games, you are playing your game. Like houses with couples in them playing out their games, with their neighbors playing out their games.

That is what life is.

It is not an accident that Chess was invented in India. It is profound.

Vishnu goes to sleep and dreams a dream. And that dream is our Universe. It makes total sense.

Sylvester Stallone dreams of a better version of himself as Rocky Balboa. He wrote the script for Rocky.

When all the characters speak in the movie, Adrian, Apollo, Mickey, Paulie, Rocky, Stallone wrote all their words.

Stallone went to sleep and dreamed a dream, and everybody in that Rocky movie is the dream that he alone dreamt!

I wish I have all the time in the world to read.

"There is always another time."

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