
King‘s Indian Defense Help

I'm currently training the King's Indian defense, and I sometimes have problems with pawn attacks on the kingside. Can anyone give me tips?
The King's Indian can be hazardous to play, but the tradeoff is that you're provided a variety of means to try to undermine White's pawn center: ...e5, ...f5, ...c6(c5), ...b5. When White is threatening a flank attack, then you must be prepared to throw everything you've got at his pawn center, even if it means sacrificing a pawn or two. That can take the wind out of the sails for White's attack and allow you to mount your counterattack -- it's worked many times for me!
There aren't really a lot of "tips" that can be given. It's all a matter of getting used to the setups (and practicing/studying). And realizing that you often have defensive possibilities, even with a Wall Of Pawns coming down on you.

One useful idea can be to try playing it with find out how many of those threatening-looking attacks are truly dangerous.
"... One final note before we get started. In the forthcoming sections, you'll see that Black often needs to sacrifice material in order to maintain an acceptable position, or take on horrible positional weaknesses to activate his pieces. I think that the opening is sound, and these concessions lead to good compensation, but if you disagree then there's nothing wrong with your chess judgement - you simply should play something else. Even some grandmasters are very sceptical about the merits of the King's Indian (Korchnoi being a prime example), so you'll be in good company! ..." - IM Sam Collins (2005)
Perhaps it would make sense to look at First Steps: The King’s Indian Defence.
I would play against the 4 pawns attack-it is good practice for ANY pawn storm on the kingside when both sides have castled short. I like Kingcrushers youtube video on the 4 pawns attack, others are probably good too.
... exd4 isn’t bad at all. Your Bg7 can be alive, too.

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