
Feedback on a study I'm working on everyday...

I'm currently attempting to turn Irving Chernev's Book: "Capablanca's Best Chess Endings" into a lichess study (Full credit to Irving Chernev. I highly recommend purchasing the book for yourself as there are many stories and further analysis that make you really enjoy analysing the games so much more).
Anyway, my analysis and annotation is slightly more light than the Book's annotation, however, I think the chess community could learn a lot from the study. I'm creating 2 chapters (Games) a day, with moderate annotation. Only one other study similar to this exists, which shows all 60 games, but this study provides no annotation or analysis (

Here is the link to my study:

I hope you enjoy, and let me know any feedback you want either through messaging me, or through commenting on this post. It's not too heavy :)
(Oh and may I recommend move 29. Qxb5! of Game 2... wow!)
You can enable computer evaluation. "Only the study contributors can request a computer analysis." is what anyone will see who's not a contributor.

Here I cloned your study and I allowed for computer analysis, so you can see for yourself what it looks like from the perspective of a non-contributor:

Oh, wait, I cloned the wrong link, but the point is still valid that you can check it out from the perspective of a non-contributor.

You can also copy the PGNs from the other study and then create new chapters in your own study and then annotate them there if you want to avoid manually adding all of the moves.
Thanks Flupkees for your comment.
That's really good to hear that my annotation will be safe from the auto-annotation of a computer analysis :)
Thanks so much for that, hope you enjoy the study, and let me know if you want me to change anything.

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