
New climate change weekly series???

Why don't you do something to spread awareness to the public?
You should make videos on YouTube and on other social media share your thoughts and also link your videos there. Join some environment club or something. No one does anything first. The revolutionaries take everything on their own and aim to change the world.
@Akbar2thegreat said in #47:
> @LordSupremeChess
> Why don't you do something to spread awareness to the public?
> You should make videos on YouTube and on other social media share your thoughts and also link your videos there. Join some environment club or something. No one does anything first. The revolutionaries take everything on their own and aim to change the world.
I would... if my parents would let me actually have a social media account...
It is definitely time for a climate change weekly series detailing all the lies and disinformation pushed now for DECADES by leftist alarmists for their own political gain and to control a docile world population for their own purposes of manipulation.
@conesilencer said in #49:
> It is definitely time for a climate change weekly series detailing all the lies and disinformation pushed now for DECADES by leftist alarmists for their own political gain and to control a docile world population for their own purposes of manipulation.
Yeah sorry. Your side is not mine.

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