
What is the average puzzle score?

Probably something like Mean + x. Where x is the competitive nature of people that will drive the mean upwards as soon as it is stated.
Im 1400 rapid and like 1900 Puzzles. Currently a bit inflated to 2k from # puzzles

I’ve seen many blitz players who are 2k+ but only 1600 puzzles over a sample size

A lot depends on how you are solving the puzzles and how much time you invest it’s not really something you can compare
I think the puzzles rating got inflated a lot after the last puzzles update. Mine used to be about +200 current rating, not sure how it translates now
Yeah they got inflated a lot recently. I am puzzles above 2400, standard slow games about 2000 but I play like a 1500...
Rating is not important at the end. Most people play puzzle rush etc, but they dont put time into normal puzzles. So it is difficult to compare even if you would know the average rating....
i mean everyone starts puzzles with a 1500 rating so u can say tht is the average right
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