
What is your favorite prime number besides 13 and 17?

Its 2, ofc. Its the only even prime number, and because of that, its the one I always have to make exceptions when I'm going to do some program related to prime numbers hahaha
Prime rib

is the forum for -dummies- walking distance from here?
69 is my favourite number,i don't know if it is a prime number or not,and i don't care,
it is still my favorite!! but don't ask me why.
It's not prime but three of its factors are,1,3,23 with the fourth being 69.
Not a prime, but I've always found 70 to be a bit weird.
@Passionate_Player said in #7:
> 10 raised to the power 10 plus 1
> I dunno if it's a prime or not, go figure :)
@AlBeRt022012 said in #10:
> Its 40
those are not prime numbers:
(10^10) + 1 = 10000000001 which is 357641 × 27961
40 = 10*4

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