
1000 to 2300 rating

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@iCantThinkOfAName1 said in #10:
> thank you for the compliment.
> yes classical and rapid are defo inflated, i would probably be 1700-1900 OTB. However, thats an achievement for me because i honestly never saw myself crossing 2000 on lichess, which i also did on which is slighlty harder but i dont use much.
Your progress is insane! Any classical tips?
I felt a similar way a few years ago myself. I started playing chess for the first time in around September 2018 and by the end of 2019 I had 2000 lichess blitz. I struck 2200 lichess blitz for the first time during the first lockdown, soon after which I quit chess for a while (a little over a year). I contemplated the possibility of me being 'special' but soon realised that my seemingly meteoric progress was due more to the sheer amount of time and effort I had put into playing and studying in the short space of less than 2 years, than any innate ability which could have propelled my progress.
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I am honestly surprised that you managed to keep progressing at a relatively steady pace after 1800-2000, because I have stagnated at 1700-1800 level for over a year now, despite progressing from 800 blitz to 1800 blitz in under a year.
@Akshay1810 said in #47:
> Haha I'll take that as a compliment. I do remember this game maybe I played in the past week or so. I'm very glad you found this Super GM like. To answer the question, no I have never cheated in a chess game. I play decent when my mood is good and it's one of those games. Cheers.

Hi. I believe you, just curious to see your answer.

Man, it is some unique abillities you have regarding chess. Your Progress is not common at all. You have serious talent for this. Many, many, actually most players, wont Progress above 2200 in lichess blitz in their entire life, even tough they play from they are 20 up to they reach Alzheimer at 80. Keep it going dude. You might be the next goat, actually.
Best wishes from me
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