
Why do titled players exist


Rene Descartes taught us "Cogito, ergo Sum". So the very fact that we think is proof of our existence.

The OP had to have already cogitated in order to ask the question - therefore according to Modus Ponens - we must deduce that OP already exists.
It all comes down to the matter-antimatter asymmetry problem. The Big Bang should have created the same amount of Grandmasters and antimatter Grandmasters in the early universe. It's not clear why they didn't annihilate into pure energy.
@ambrooks : Unfortunately, Descartes was wrong. By that, I don't mean that "I think, therefore I am" is false. Rather, it is not a logical claim at all (at least not when using predicate logic, for example).
But even if we chose a proper reformulation, it might go something like "There is some A for which holds that A thinks. Therefore there is some A." As you can see, the conclusion is implicitly contained in the assumption, making the reasoning circular.
The difference between cogito ergo sum and "There is some A for which holds that A thinks. Therefore there is some A." is that the first phrase is beautiful, meaningful and catchy and the other is some ugly blah-blah.
#10 Can you talk English? I dont wanna use translate everytime.

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