
Endgame queen vs knight

I am practicing several types of endgames and this position is difficult for me to solve:

I'm supposed to go squeezing the black king using my king and the queen, at the same time being careful not to fall on a knight fork. It should be simple, but the king / knight tandem always finds a way to sneak away. Any study or advice to face this kind of ending?
I had this one time, me with a queen, thought it would be easy but it took me a long time to
get my opponent, and he even helped me with a mistake there.
Zugzwang is your friend. Just don't get forked and cover all the knight squares. Eventually you will be able to pick it up.
Keep Queen and King on squares of different colors when in fork-range ;D. I think it's easiest to cut squares with Queen and march with King down the board with some distance to opponent' pieces.
I managed not to be forked but the enemy always end up escaping. I've even draw for the 50 moves rule.
Try to keep your opponent's knight and king on opposite sides of your queen.

definitely not the fastest win here, but basically just do the following and it's simple enough:

-Do not allow for a fork of your king & queen
-Get the enemy king to the edge of the board, and threaten mate
-Win the knight
-Avoid stalemate / 50 move rule / 3 fold repetition
Exemple de résolution à partir d'une finale de Moravec (1938) :
Ah! I'm starting to see some patterns in those examples. I'll try it again later.
Thank you!

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