
Stop Rickrolling.

A few things:
1. If you see someone trolling (which includes bait and switch linking), that’s against the site rules, and you can report them.
2. It seems like you kids don’t actually understand what rickrolling is about. If you are the victim of the prank, you aren’t SUPPOSED to enjoy it—it’s for the amusement of others at your expense. If someone casually sends you a link to a music video that you enjoy, that’s not rickrolling.
3. Whining about how you don’t like getting tricked anymore just encourages people to troll you, as an extension of no. 2
4. Just to clarify: Rick Astley’s dancing sucked, even back in the 80s. The song was overplayed in the 80s. It’s overuse ain’t exactly a revelation.
@Shadow1414 said in #3:
> #1: "Stop Rickrolling!" Threads Are Now Spam, As There Have Been Made Many Of Them Before.
> -
> #2: Because They Didn't Bother Coming Up With Something Themselves.

You are the king of rickrolls
I've never done it, I swear!
I have seen one good one though
Why don't people like Rick who likes to Roll :(, after all, he is just a kid.
@Achyut_2013 said in #7:
> Rickrolling is a internet prank
how is it an internet prank all i can see is some idiot dancing and singing. whoops sry bout my language
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Rickrolling is old and overused now, it's honestly getting boring. Sure, it's fun (and so is duckrolling) once in a while but that doesn't mean you do it every day.

Even if Rick Astley's dancing was not that good, the song is still not that bad, ngl. You may even enjoy listening to it if you weren't biased against rickrolls.

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