
Want to feel better about yourself?

Check out my move 51 in this game:

I can't tell you how many times I've moved defensively when attacked (INSTEAD OF JUST TAKING THE PIECE). Oh, I know all about chess tactics: Double attacks, check with threat, attack the supporting piece then the piece it's supporting falls, exploiting pinned pieces, discover attacks, forks, etc.

I was able to eke out a win though because I have a good understanding of opposition (good thing my opponent didn't).

But on this move 51 it wasn't until after the game that I took a look at this position and saw my blunder.

Oh, and I can't tell you how many times I've let my opponent stalemate AFTER I SWORE I'D NEVER LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN.

It's especially hard to take when I've let my opponent stalemate when I've had a lot of time on the clock.

But overall I'm playing better chess than I was 4 years ago. Press on!
My initial thought when seeing the position was that black had a cunning stalemate ploy that you saw through :-)
I would like to add this. I don't want to do this on every move: a blunder check, have I left any pieces hanging? Does my opponent have any checks, forks, discover attacks, etc. Of course I have these things on my mind in general.
When you apply stress to a thoughtchain, it shortens. Some elements of the chain are left out and replaced by spasms. That's why the absolute best performers in all disciplines are always the ones who are most calm and relaxed when they perform. It seems like having some distance to the situation, like using humor, improves performance. The human brain is very susceptible to impressions and stress which is why a lot of players crack when faced with aggression both IRL and on OTB.
You missed advantage early in the game with 7. gxh4 wins a piece.
Then later in the game blunders from both sides followed though you were better.
The Queen sacrifice by you was the epic blunder as you forgot to check whether you could win or not as it became a dead draw. But since opponent did not know about the opposition, you were able to find a win.
I am sure that the game would have made you sad first (during the game) and later laugh (on winning) and you captioned the title as it's opposite....

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