
Can White hold his fortress?

If black marches his King to e4 and places his queen on f1 there may be some Zugzwang.
the idea of tpr is prob working,
my try would be Qf1, white has to play Rc2-e2 all the time, then black play Kc5, Bg7-h6, waits the move Rc2 to play e2+ then.
After Rxe2 Be3, thereafter a maybe prophylactical Kc6 back (against Nd3+), then move Be3-f2. Probably black wins on the spot because of Zugzwang (white has to move Rc2, but then Bf2 Re2 Bxe1 Rxe1 Qxg2 has to be winning since white has no perpetuals
I think the King ought to be on e4, not c5. It then covers square e3 as well. It defends d4 just the same. It is not plagued by Nd3+. I agree the Bishop should go to h6.

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