
I need clarification on lagging

Is having a terrible internet connection and lagging like crazy while lichess gives you seconds back every move vs someone with a good connection that gets no such luxury considered cheating. If not, what can people with good connections do about it besides lose on time in bullet or faster games. This is assuming players of similar skill. My opinion is perfectly clear on this. If you play bullet or faster on lichess with a laggy internet connection. You are in fact cheating. If the lichess operators don't share this opinion, can they add an option to never match players with a good internet connection vs players with a bad internet connection as the advantage it gives is just staggering.
The clock that determines chess games is running on a LiChess server. It never runs backwards.

If you want to see how any game was actually played from the only point-of-view that matters, there's a replay mode that's labeled REALTIME.
I know how this works, I write server software for a living. That doesn't negate the fact that people with poor connections get time back from lichess. In the old fics days there was something called timeseal that would do the same, it would track on the client how much time was actually used by the user to make a move. Here is why I think this is cheating. If you have a poor connection in combination with whatever equivalent of timeseal lichess uses. The people with poor connections have much more time to actually make (pre)moves. Since it simply takes longer for the packets to get to them. That gives them a huge advantage in both time to think and time to move. And they aren't punished for having crappy connections, they are rewarded for it.

I would love an option to disable timeseal (or whatever lichess calls it) and only play people without it as well. if your connection is terrible you will have a hard time with bullet or faster without timeseal.

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