

@absicht_MAUERzuBAUEN with the same copy-paste propaganda bullshit like in all other similar topics.

What we need to think about is freedom of word. Sure, everyone can express their opinion in democratic countries. But what if someone's "opinion" is just clear disinformation and propaganda at war times. Does it really deserve to be heard?
@absicht_MAUERzuBAUEN said in #8:

Will you please STFU with these apologetics for a murderous attack and regime?

You are from Germany? Germany is helping Ukraine.

With the sole voice of yours, saying "its ok to kill people if you want to take their food or land."

Just please STFU, and GTFO with this pathetic nonsense, this cancer of war and putrefaction, war and violence.
@Krsna243 I'm not sure he's from Germany. In a previous thread, he referred to Russia as "the motherland".
@clousems said in #13:
> @Krsna243 I'm not sure he's from Germany. In a previous thread, he referred to Russia as "the motherland".

He is. Unfortunately here in Germany there are quite a bunch of Putin's asskissers too, usually on the far right but also on the far left. And funnily enough they are the ones who like to call others "traitors" while they themselves are firmly stuck in Putin's rectum.
1: A healthy, vibrant, successfull Ukrainian democracy wouldn't bode well for Putins oligarchy

2: Ukraine has massive, and largely untapped, oil and gas reserves, which could lead to Ukraine becoming much more wealthy than Russia. These reserves could also be piped to Europe, thus competing against the Russian market that Russia's economy is very dependent on

Ukraine is a major exporter of grains/oil seeds, which attract considerable outside investment to Ukraine, while competing against Russia's own export market

4: Putin has a deranged fantasy of an Imperial Russia, and wants Ukraine to be, once again, under the boot of Russian control.

All the above in no particular order, and by no means exhaustive.
@absicht_MAUERzuBAUEN Same post he puts in every thread about the Russian invasion , claimed he was a neutral and seeing it from all sides but he accidently posted about Russia as " THE MOTHERLAND " meaning he was lying about being neutral.

And since he keeps spamming the same thing I will reply with the same answers :

@absicht_MAUERzuBAUEN said in #38:
>Please note what ameershahul said in #14. To summarize :
>1:Nato has moved eastward and Russia has to stop it, unless it wants to be encircled
Encircled by what exactly ? Nato is a defensive alliance with treaties to come to each others defence if attacked , there are no built in agreements to join in if one of the Nato countries attacks someone else ( remember Vietnam ? Nato stayed neutral )

>2:Ukraine has changed course and every second, America may sent troops
The Ukraine is an independent country and has the right to choose who they ally with, as to American troops they have arrived in Poland as a response to the Russian invasion.

>3: Ukraine borders a river called Dnjepr and with blocking this river, they could damage Russia and white Russia's trade (that Ukraine moved westward politically makes it worse)
So because for some unknown reason the Ukraine might decide to block a river that excuses an invasion ?

>4: Russia has troops in the Middle East and Africa and to supply them, it needs access to the black sea.
Russia already has taken the Crimea from the Ukraine and thinking that the Ukraine is getting in the way of Russia's troop movements by daring to exist sounds pretty strange.

>5: the new silk road is through ukraine
And the Ukrainian people should be allowed to enjoy the benefits of that , if Russia wants to change the route let them build alternative road systems to bypass it.

>6:to protect the russian backed states of Donezk and Lugansk
Invading an entire country to maintain two Russian sponsored tiny breakaway provinces on the eastern edge sounds exactly like the argument Hilter made to conquer Czechoslovakia to " protect the Germans" in the Sudetenland in 1938.

>7: to protect Russians outside of Donezk and Lugansk
Again , exactly what Hitler said about Czechoslovakia.

>8:becuase of the European union (which is basically Nato)
The existence of Europe is a threat to Russia ? That European countries have formed DEFENSIVE alliances against attack is a threat to Russia? Should we be expected Russia to invade all of Europe soon to " protect itself " ?

>9:Because Ukraine is pretty close to Moscow
Invading your neighbor is ok if they are too close to your capitol ?

>10:because Ukraine produces a large amount of food Russia needs.
Wow , Russia has more right to the food the Ukrainian people grow than the Ukrainians ? Every heard of buying food rather than invading and killing for it ?

>11: becuase Ukraine is a flat land, and once troops enter, they will have an easier time to advance
Again the Ukraine is not allowed to exist except as an integral part of Russia and if they refuse then it's justified to invade and occupy them.

Russian needs , russian security , russian access to the black sea , and the Ukrainian people must comply or be destroyed !

And if the world attempts to interfere then Nuclear DESTRUCTION !
@Alex_1987 , can your offensive to ban me without arguments be considered 'offending' and 'public shaming'?

@Alex_1987 said in #11:
> @absicht_MAUERzuBAUEN with the same copy-paste propaganda bullshit like in all other similar topics.
> What we need to think about is freedom of word. Sure, everyone can express their opinion in democratic countries. But what if someone's "opinion" is just clear disinformation and propaganda at war times. Does it really deserve to be heard?

All other? Please tell me which ones. And what disinformation? If anyone could tell me what exactly makes my posts incorrect, then I may accept it. Yet you only say I am bad, because I have another opinion than you.
If you think I am incorrect, please use arguments instead of offending words without reasoning.

@clousems said in #13:
> @Krsna243 I'm not sure he's from Germany. In a previous thread, he referred to Russia as "the motherland".

Putin's motherland

@Mopman said in #18:
> @absicht_MAUERzuBAUEN Same post he puts in every thread about the Russian invasion , claimed he was a neutral and seeing it from all sides but he accidently posted about Russia as " THE MOTHERLAND " meaning he was lying about being neutral.
Nope. I only posted it twice, and given that the question was 'what is happening', I think it is allowed to write the same story.
Also, you have no other explanation of what happened.
Also, please read my entire post before saying I posted the 'exact same thing'.

> And since he keeps spamming the same thing I will reply with the same answers :
You can. But this is not a question.

> Encircled by what exactly ? Nato is a defensive alliance with treaties to come to each others defence if attacked , there are no built in agreements to join in if one of the Nato countries attacks someone else ( remember Vietnam ? Nato stayed neutral )

Nato is an anti-Russian alliance. Have you never been told that there is a counterpart called the Warsaw pact? Also, Nato is lead by the USA. ->all action is taken by the USA.

> The Ukraine is an independent country and has the right to choose who they ally with, as to American troops they have arrived in Poland as a response to the Russian invasion.
Sure, so if your neighbors set up an entire system of snipers, rockets and artillery aimed at you, you would no nothing?

> So because for some unknown reason the Ukraine might decide to block a river that excuses an invasion ?
No. You did not understand my post's intention. I never said putin was morally right. I said putin was forced to do so. And he was intentionally forced to do so. Read my post 8, bro.
To this argument, my reply is the same as to the previous one.

> Russia already has taken the Crimea from the Ukraine and thinking that the Ukraine is getting in the way of Russia's troop movements by daring to exist sounds pretty strange.
Once American troops enter Ukraine, they will be deployed in Crimea, too. Because according to Ukraine, Crimea is theirs.

> And the Ukrainian people should be allowed to enjoy the benefits of that , if Russia wants to change the route let them build alternative road systems to bypass it.
Again, the mere possibility of blocking it is too much for Russia to bear.

> Invading an entire country to maintain two Russian sponsored tiny breakaway provinces on the eastern edge sounds exactly like the argument Hilter made to conquer Czechoslovakia to " protect the Germans" in the Sudetenland in 1938.
Well then tell me why Putin invaded, if you have a better logic.

> Again , exactly what Hitler said about Czechoslovakia.

> The existence of Europe is a threat to Russia ? That European countries have formed DEFENSIVE alliances against attack is a threat to Russia? Should we be expected Russia to invade all of Europe soon to " protect itself " ?
DEFENSIVE, THAT'S WHY THEY ATTACKED YUGOSLAVIA, RIGHT? The European union is basically America.

> Invading your neighbor is ok if they are too close to your capitol ?
(Cuba). Again, the mere possibility.

> Wow , Russia has more right to the food the Ukrainian people grow than the Ukrainians ? Every heard of buying food rather than invading and killing for it ?
The mere possibility.

> Again the Ukraine is not allowed to exist except as an integral part of Russia and if they refuse then it's justified to invade and occupy them.

> Russian needs , russian security , russian access to the black sea , and the Ukrainian people must comply or be destroyed !
> And if the world attempts to interfere then Nuclear DESTRUCTION !
Ukraine was way too aggressively moving westward.
Also, please read my entire text before saying that I just copied it.

@Demon_Gamer_778 said in #10:
> The president of Russia should have mercy on Urakin. Both of them should maintain good relationships with each other. I hope the fight stops soon. I have no idea if we can have world war 3. Let's hope to god that nothing happens and all goes well for the world.
> #Lets not fight
> #1 plant
> #1 Unity
> Regards
> @Demon_Gamer_778
They should. But Ukraine is westernizing and America is pushing it. Not because America is 'good', but because America knows it is a win-win. Arguments in my post #8.

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