
classical games are full of cheaters or am I a bad loser?

i have trouble when low rated opponents (1800-2000) do 0inaccuracies 0 mistakes and 0 blunders on a 30+ move classical game.. im not sure my worries are justified but i really get furious when thinking they are using an engine. I feel like a rat when reporting so i dont even though that story should somehow end.. Or we should avoid playing classical games but thats a bit sad isnt it?
As I progress on the rating ladder, I also have the feeling to see more cheaters than before, but it's still very occasional. I maybe met at best 3 or 4 cheaters within hundreds of games in rated games. However, considering how high is your rating compared to the rest of lichess players, it might encourage people who occasionally use an engine to cheat against you. I remember that a high rated player (probably blitzstream but not sure) once said that he didn't like to play long games on internet because the risk of facing a cheater gets high, and that strong players should play OTB if they want serious games.
i almost only play 30 minute games and don't come across cheaters very often. of course in this game mode it is possible that someone uses the engine just for critical positions, just for some moves. but i don't have the feeling that i loose (or even play) a lot of (30 minutes) games against cheaters.
additionally, when someone has 0 inaccuracies, 0 mistakes, 0 blunders it doesn't necessarily mean that a engine was involved. it even happens to a player of my level : )
I play classical a lot and I think =
But, I think that I will play in the real life better, and this ratings aren't important
Hello astaren,

I am not looking for cheaters anymore (not time and no motivation) but my experience in classical chess is that players around your strength who are playing with everyone (in tournaments or just random paired games in their rating range) should be ready for 10-20 % cheaters in their parings.

With luck there are less and with less luck there are some more, but thats at least my experience I collected in 3 months of active cheater-hunting.

Dont forget: Not every cheater is a blatant one (some are cheating undiscovered for many months or even longer) and even some blatant ones are detected slowly if nobody is reporting his suspicions after a suspicious game.

Best wishes
It's genuinely hard to tell. On this site at time control 15m+10s my rating is only 2030s but I can play 0/0/0 game around 1 in 5 games. I do believe that I am underrated as I seldom play games here and generally feel quite a significant gap for any player U2000. But with classical controls at higher level, you will commonly find underrated players due to not enough games - it's quite natural.

Strong players know when they are playing an engine due to feel - the opponents moves show no fear, cold blooded judgement and often the fireworks are hidden below the surface. By contrast, I can play someone who has a 0/0/0 or 1/0/0 game and not be suspicious because I feel that the moves are not the most critical, although they may be tactically sound and strategically reasonable.

I absolutely agree. Every experienced player (who knows his opening stuff quite qell) is able to play 0/0/0 games regularly. I also agree that its always better to trust your feeling that something may be wrong because your opponent played extremely dubious moves who turned out to be great just because one hidden tactics worked for him in one single line while any other move would have lost (and such stuff in short time controls with around 5-10 sec. of thinking...).

Its also important to have some arguments like the mentioned ones before accusing someone for cheating. Automatical stockfish analysis on lichess are a nice tool but of course not enough to show that someone is cheating, the analysis is not deep enough anyway.

Best wishes
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I agree with you. I don't understand how someone can have fun with cheatin on chess.
What? I have not met anyone in classical who's rating was that low and cheated most of the time they'll be like 2400+ xD

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