
What would be the Lichess puzzles rating for Fide Master, International Master, Grand Master and MC

Post your guess below the post. (and no, it doesn't vary significantly if you miss tactics you miss wins and don't get the rating-norms to get the title)
My guess would be 2700-2800 for Fide Master, 2800-2900 for International Master, 2900-3000 for Grand Master and 3300+ for Magnus Carlsen.
@kenzaburo said in #1:
> Post your guess below the post. (and no, it doesn't vary significantly if you miss tactics you miss wins and don't get the rating-norms to get the title)
> My guess would be 2700-2800 for Fide Master, 2800-2900 for International Master, 2900-3000 for Grand Master and 3300+ for Magnus Carlsen.

If you wanted ratings that made sense, you would need to limit the time available to solve the puzzles. The puzzle rating here is quite meaningless.
There are puzzles here I can't solve with unlimited time unless I know the pattern.
@kenzaburo said in #1:
> and no, it doesn't vary significantly
Yes, it does. It varies a lot, even among players with similar game ratings.
Ehh I've seen some folks around here rated like 1500 classical and rapid and a 2400 puzzle rating (and they even bragged about it by the way) .. Puzzle ratings don't correlate to a person's playing strength in general. There could be as much as a 1000 elo puzzle rating difference between some folks of similar rating level even at master level players.

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