
Reopening Discussion On the LGBTQ Prideful Month Announcement

@NoJoke i think comparing the needs of a special mode to help the blind with the needs of a blog post are two very different things.
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Yea it is Nialz001 but people here do off topic stuff. I don’t think this is a very appropriate topic for forums because LGBTQ can get Political....
@InfinityChessWarrior said in #19:
> (No Offense)
just the fact that you write down "no offense" doesn't make your post any less offensive if it is. it's just a cheap trick to please the targeted group, aside from the fact that it never even works.
@NoJoke said in #18:
> The blind person complaining about special treatment while specifically mentioning the special treatment that they get should be careful to not create an irony singularity that destroys the planet. You sir, are both literally and metaphorically blind.
> It's an excellent example actually! Blind people get a special mode on Lichess because they need it. We don't need a sighted Lichess mode, that's just regular Lichess. LGBTQ+ people get a blog post showing support because they need it, as should be VERY clear from all the whiny bigots that have shown up to complain.
> As far as "receiving feedback," What would be the purpose of taking feedback from people that didn't read the article? What use would a 25 page discussion of why bigots don't like the blog condemning bigotry have?

I'm not sure I see how being gay means you need a blog post to play chess? Based on my own friend group its around 50-50 on supporting the pride movement and not. The other half just wants to live in peace without people constantly bringing up their sexuality
> AFter all, that's how we can best maintain a sense of equality in the venue.

Every time that an heterosexual uses the word "equality" when trying to prove a point against the lgbt community it pisses me off enormously.

All humans by default should have access to what is called BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS. But somehow if your sexual orientation is different from heterosexual, these rights do not belong to you anymore. Which basically means that you're not considered a human anymore.

HETEROSEXUALS can marry and adopt children. In most countries GAY people cannot.
HETEROSEXUALS are protected by laws and law enforcement bodies if someone is threatening to take their lives. In some countries GAY people do NOT have such protection. In a few countries if you KILL a GAY person you will NOT go to jail.

BEFORE you speak of *equality* you should learn what it means and then you should verify whether or not it exists already.

From 2:45 to 3:07

Journalist: "Do you think the gay couple should have the same rights as [the heterosexual couple]?"

Trump supporter: "No I don't. I don't think it's fair."

Journalist:" To the gay couple?"

Trump supporter: "Well no but, the *regular* couple...they work so hard you know, and the gay couple...they want MORE"

Journalist: "Do you...when you say "more" do you mean *EQUAL*?"

Trump supporter: "Yeah they want equal".

Journalist: "And that's just too much right?"

Trump supporter: "Yeah".

With this I don't wanna say that ALL homophobic are (were) Trump supporters, but this is just a perfect example to show how certain people reason.
@InfinityChessWarrior said in #19:
> I do not support LGBTQ+ because it supports you believing in your someone your not. If your a girl and want to be a boy well... thats not how you were meant to be. Your purpose is to be who you are and only that. (No Offense)

I was born deaf and I got a cochlear implant to get some basic hearing, if I was meant to be hearing, then do you think I should have remained deaf?

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