
A bishop forking a queen and two rooks - not a good move, but it had to be played

@asher550 #11
Yes, and the White bishop comes over to a6, so White's bishop and rook are both attacking the Black bishop, which is pinned to the Black king. Black's king cannot escape from RxB#; Black can sac his queen to delay by one move, so it's mate in 5 from the referenced position:

24. Qe5+ RxQe5
25. RxRe5+ Bc8
26. Ba6 Qg8
27. RxQg8 [any move]
28. RxBc8#


24. Qe5+ RxQe5
25. RxRe5+ Bc8
26. Ba6 [Q gives check by capture or move to f2, g2, or h2]
27. KxQ [any move]
28. RxBc8#
i am saying that the rook does not have to capture
what if the BISHOP blocked?

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