

Feels to me like the best rule to live by is to always accept takebacks, but never ask for them.

Accept takebacks because:
- Winning if the opponent makes an obvious blunder, either accidentally or intentionally, won't do much to improve your chess, it's just taking advantage of luck. You should always aim to play against the best version of your opponent's ideas.

Don't ask for takebacks because:
- As DoomedBishop mentions, you will learn more from your mistakes. Even misclicks can make a game more challenging, and help teach you to recover from genuine blunders.

The rating system is designed so that any single game doesn't have much of an impact, so any disadvantage you get from being too generous with takebacks should even out pretty quickly over time.

There are exceptions:
- If I'm playing a tournament I won't accept a takeback.
- If I'm playing on Blitz or faster time controls I won't accept a takeback, because I often struggle with time and processing the takeback and re-evaluating the position is too time-consuming.
- Sometimes I'll ask for a takeback if I misclick, but I mostly don't expect the other player will accept it anyway. If it's a terrible move and the game is lost then I'll just resign and move on.
Awkwardly I once had an opponent asking for a take back and demanding me to switch on takebacks.
Take-backs are like favours. If you do someone a favour, they are not morally, nor legally required to repay the favour, and I don't think they should be, personally.
I agree with @shadow1414 . Takebacks are favors and should be treated as such.
Plus "takeback fairness" seems like a difficult feature to implement well.

My personal preference is to go to my profile settings and configure takeback to work only in casual games.
In ranked if someone misclicks and mentions it in chat I can always offer a rematch. If the game was close before the misclick I can even offer a draw, and then a rematch.
#1 But imagine you lose the knight and you ask for takeback and he lets you then you capture the queen and he asks for takeback, it automatically lets him because of the takeback of the horse.I think it would be a bit unfair.
I don't think it would be unfair. Because both players have agreed to the way that take-backs(Would)work.
And if the player who asked for a take-back originally regrets it because the opponent took-back a move that mattered more, than wouldn't it be their own fault?
I wont consider accepting a takeback request unless it was an obvious mouse slip. If it is obvious that he meant to play Bg5 and instead blundered Bh6, I'll probably allow it. That said, I once tried to exchange queens and mouse slipped. my d8 Queen was supposed to take his Queen on d1, but instead I dropped it on d2 and he took it anyways. I was up a whole piece that game too before my mouse slip! LOL. That was the only time I have requested a take back, but my opponent declined my request :(
It's not an exact science by any means, That said, if i think its a legit mouse slip... say early in the Ruy Lopez where white clearly meant to castle kingside but instead plays Kf1, I'll assume it was a mouse slip and I'll be a good sport about it, Later in the game though it is harder to determine, as our friend Agadmator has proven. I feel like mouse slips in the opening like Kf1 are much more obvious, whereas in the middle game or in the end game under time pressure, I'll probably assume it was a blunder.

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