
World Bee Day

What do you want us to do? Dim the lights, put on some Marvin Gaye and the XXX version of Bee Movie?
From the article, neonicotinoids are directly harmful to bees and glyphosates (like in Roundup) are indirectly harmful. Is the answer no herbicides at all? That sounds like it would have an even bigger impact on the food supply chain.
there was weedkillers before that dint cause this harm so perhaps ban roundup and use the older stuff , ?
The older stuff was really bad for bees and killed them outright. Bayer and Monsanto said Roundup was perfectly safe for bees. Research shows Roundup affects their gut bacteria which makes them more susceptible to disease.

I'm no fan of big firms and don't trust them, but the older stuff seems much worse - and is still widely in use today.

"Although the herbicide does not appear as toxic to bees as some other pesticides (notably neurotoxins known as neonicotinoids), researchers have found that glyphosate may impact bees in more subtle ways — for example, impeding the growth of bee larvae, diminishing bees’ navigational skills, altering their foraging behavior, or even disrupting their gut microorganisms, known as the microbiome."
With more bees the world would BEE so much better
the boffins need to go back to the drawing board as losing bees affects all life on the planet due to their fertilisation of plant life by pollen , no bees no plants no plants no herbivores no herbivores no omnivores / carnivores , all connected one strand breaks the web falls
@chummer Instead of Marvin Gaye, maybe something by Sting might be more apropos.
Fun fact

Bees are one of the most hardworking farmers
(I dont know if you know this fact)

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