
Why no female players?

The brain this. The brain that. Humans also have chemicals charging through their bodies.

Men have more testosterone than women. Women have more estrogen than men. These chemicals affect a persons disposition and in general this will affect a person's energy and interests.

Culture is blamed for women not being so interested in sport but maybe it's the other way round, i.e., this culture has developed as a result of the majority of women being indifferent to sport.

A man likes to watch sport but his wife and daughters prefer to watch soaps. That's just the way it is. Why wont people accept these differences. Why are people so sexist.

I don't believe that the '69 moon landing was anything other than a poor attempt at cold war propaganda. Clung to as tightly as it may be by our american friends, it takes a fair amount of gullibility to believe we could achieve it in 1969, despite the fact to this day we still can't protect astronauts from the radiation they would encounter (apparently to get through the van allen radiation belt, armstrong held his breath!), and in spite of the fact that in 2017 NASA does not have the capability to launch a satellite into orbit, they need a boost from those hacky russians.

Perhaps, if we are looking to flex our intellectual superiority over sperm whales, we can cite our wild imaginations.
Oh good lord, you really uneducated person.

edited to be nicer. sorry

people that don't believe in the moon landings really strike me as....uneducated is the best I can do here.

Here's a question, what do you think about the other 5 manned moon landings following the one you reference? Also faked?
Yea. If we never went to the moon how do you explain cheese?
Here's confirmation from Dr. James Van Allen himself about what he thinks of this nonsense about it being impossible to get safely through the Van Allen radiation belts, by the way.

Obviously, he disagrees, as do all qualified scientists, and anyone with a non-googled knowledge of how radiation works and how the Apollo program dealt with it. Ironically, the level of gullibility it takes to think their solution was to hold their breath is ASTOUNDING.

Good lord.

Incidentally, to bring yourself up to at least a minimum of education on the subject of the moon landings, please see the website cited in the letter to Van Allen in that image:
America is good at killing babies and duping their own citizens as you so adorably illustrate. Space travel, not so much.

Also while im at it, us gov forced fischer to cheat in '72, fischer was so disgusted with the request he made a 1100 blunder in first game as protest, was then shown the kennedy assassination from new angle, decided it was best to follow orders, never played competitively again.

I hate to be captain obvious but yeah..
Women are more intelligent, they don't take part in such discussions. And have better things to do than pushing wood with chess nerds.

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