
How to stop sweating during chess?

@Riistetyt said in #1:
> How do I stop sweating during chess? My chess sweats smell different and seem to develop into non-stop dripping beads of sweat out of nowhere. I'm not overweight, but have high blood pressure. I assume it's related to elevated heart rate, perhaps my question is how do I stop getting overexcited during chess games? Should I try unrated games with long time controls to take the edge off? Do master level players still sweat during chess?
Try to calm yourself down by listening to soothing music while playing don't take to much pressure winning or losing does not matter what matters is you give your 100 percent . If you still sweat consider taking a break from chess for some days. hope you stop sweating :)
@Riistetyt said in #1:
> How do I stop sweating during chess? My chess sweats smell different and seem to develop into non-stop dripping beads of sweat out of nowhere. I'm not overweight, but have high blood pressure. I assume it's related to elevated heart rate, perhaps my question is how do I stop getting overexcited during chess games? Should I try unrated games with long time controls to take the edge off? Do master level players still sweat during chess?

I have this same problem. I sweat profusely. When I win, I scream "You Lose" at the computer screen. When I lose, I pound my fist on the table. But I don't think you should try and stop it. After all, it's a pretty good work out. Just make sure you bring a few towels, wipe those beads of sweat coursing down your forehead while you rage at the computer screen.
try playing over-the-board longer games. gives you some perspective. I take online losses a bit less seriously since i started that.

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