
Highest IQ of Professional Chess Players

@ishanvipanicker said in #21:
> IQ, or intelligence quotient, is a measure of your ability to reason and solve problems.
oh thanks for telling me.
<Comment deleted by user>
@CatalanPls said in #10:
> With an IQ of more than 150, the significance becomes completely blurred. It doesn't matter if you score 180 or 200 because there are too few people to perform accurate tests.
Indeed, my IQ is 154 and that is the highest possible for the test of my age. The test says I am smarter than 99.99% of the people around me. If your IQ is that high you can’t measure it very well because there is nobody to measure with.
@Shivansh2021 said in #24:
> vishi anand 1600 iq
1600 is just impossible. The line of high intelligence lays on 120-130 and higher, and the line of low intelligence on 90 and lower.
The highest IQ ever was 254.
@Satvikpattanaik said in #16:
> Magnus Carlsen as the chess player with the highest IQ score, then you are correct. This brilliant chess player reportedly has an IQ score of 190. This is well above the ordinary score and is considered genius level.
> thats great!!
I saw In google too
But Thats incorrect
it is said that Bobby Fischer scored a whopping 195 on an IQ test when he was just 9 years old.

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