
Your creepiest experience.

This one time I left a show in seattle at night with some friends and this homeless lady in all black rags came out of the alley way suddenly and she locked onto us with machine-like movements, then let out this hell-curling scream that was completely inhuman sounding, and started to move faster towards us with every step, locked on like a missile - it felt like she was an evil ancient Mayan sorceress or something.... we hauled ASS for like 5 blocks and got in the car and drove away fast lol.

prob not my creepiest but it was memorable
Yeah I know,they all happened.Maybe I was born under a strange star at the Twilight Zone municipal hospital,idk.
@Dukedog said in #22:
> @FC-in-the-UK
> Yeah I know,they all happened.Maybe I was born under a strange star at the Twilight Zone municipal hospital,idk.
Maybe you somehow attract the mysterious weirdness from the world. Maybe you are a kind of shaman.
When I was a kid in middle school, a couple of slightly older cousins (mostly brothers) accompanied by my uncle took me out to a mall for a nice family outing and one of them decided that we should visit the Haunted House there. It's this thing where you have 30 minutes to navigate this maze like place in almost pitch darkness, save for some UV light and dark red/blue lights around certain 'check points'.

And it had all the usual haunted house spooks and scares - jumping skeleton hands that grab you from the walls in the dark, demon faces that appear through the glass window boxes, moving floorboards, sleeping corpses in coffins that suddenly get up and run towards you and this guy doesn't stop until you get into the next section (each section gets worse). I understood they were just people 'pulling the strings' behind it all but that did not prepare me for what happened later.

After the mid point, we broke up into groups of 2-3 people and some of us got separated. I'm usually good at navigation and tried to quickly get to the last checkpoint and noticed no one else was around. I assumed that either I was early or late and had missed the rest of the group. Here comes the clincher - I turned around and I saw this really tiny man wearing a demon mask standing there with _an ACTUAL mace club_, and swinging it in my direction with an intention to hit me. Then he was joined by another Lurch-looking guy with facial prosthetics who was pretty tall. I'm like WTF. I started running towards the door which was illuminated but the EXIT door shut just before I reached it trapping me inside.

This little guy/man took his job very seriously and absolutely did not stop the roleplaying. The exit door had a glass window through which I could see my uncle and the rest of my cousins. I screamed loud enough for them to hear me on the other side.

For some twisted reason the people who ran that place refused to open the door and let me go in spite of my family telling them to open the door, and my uncle picked up a fight and called security. When I was finally allowed to leave, all I could hear was the deranged laughter of the little man.

(I say little man because it was obviously someone with a birth/growth defect like dwarfism, the arms were well built, not like that of a kid. I was a fairly tall kid at that point, but this guy was pure menacing evil)

Later on, I asked one of my cousins who had been there before if this was the standard run in that place and he said nothing like that had ever happened before. Years later, I wondered if what happened was because I was one of the only girls in the group. So goddamn creepy in every possible way. Ugh.
@twighead said in #14:
> losing my virginity
What’s this “virginity” thing and how do you lose it? I’m more of a visual learner btw

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