
How can i fix this mistake ? (About Pawn moves)


I'm looking at it from 13.e5 I'm not a big fan of f6 from this position. It is bad for your king safety to play f6. You gotta relax, let him come at you.

Instead 13... Nb4 looks really nice. He pretty much has to take it with his bishop, then you got the bishop pair. Then white has this issue of where exactly his king is going (f2 maybe?). His e-pawn is over extended, you got no open lines by your king.

Your looking at that pawn on e5 likes it's smothering you and it's all scary... when it's not at all. It got pushed too far. Neither f6 or d6 outposts are easily accessible to that knight, and your bishop can always snap it off if it were.

Whites only real way to attack you is to get those kingside pawns rolling, but his more exposed kings makes such an attack unsound at least in the short run. Your position is just all around better after 13... Nb4
Maybe just being more aware that moving a pawn implies that we are weakening one, two or four squares?

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