
Why is Russia Invading Ukraine ?

Someone should warn Flatland.

Seriously -- you think someone having food is...

Jeez just please leave this and all sites, absicht.

Honestly, every time you talk, all I hear is "The Western news sources never talk about what Russia has to say" repeated 150 times. As if that's an argument for your side. Just because we don't listen to news sources from the heartland of intimidation and lack of free speech doesn't mean we're all indoctrinated morons.

As an American, I've seen how divisive news sources here can be. Nobody can seem to agree on anything. And for what seems like the first time in a millennia, they all appear to be saying the same thing: Russia is in the wrong, and best wishes to Ukraine. Just open your eyes if they're shut, or if your eyes are already open, turn around and look at the statuette of Putin in your room and admit what side you're on.
Honestly if you're unsure though (because you're either not convinced by the information out there or having trouble understanding the situation based on the information out there. Not because you just don't want to be convinced by the information out there) then you could just wait quietly until the dust settles and then decide for yourself once all the information is out.
@AaryanSumra said in #1:
> According to me, Russia is trying to save itself. Becoz if Ukraine will be a part of NATO with North American States, it will make a danger for Russia. And after being a part of NATO, Ukraine and US will attack on Russia, and we all know the conflict between Russia and USA.
I never understood why 9 yr olds like this guy just randomly pop up on forums and post about stuff they have 0 expertise in.

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