
The username game

Don't let madness be contagious, if possible.

Sometimes I fear that it is, but this, too, is not well.

Out of a need things are done, but we don't HAVE to do anything.
"We don't have to do anything" *If we can live with, and be satisfied with, the results.
@ 38, numberfour -----> hyperactive... hmmmmmm.....

mind if I ask?

is that a genuine inquiry? if so... nah... just a thoroughgoing dude getting my arrant groove on...

or is the username game back on?

p.s. --- diggin the random facts... but very glad headphones were plugged in the puter... and not my ears when that them forum tunes kicked on... autoplay assault!

@ 39, cat_person ----> but pawdon me... purrhaps a-paws is pawsibly fur mew if mew ain't kitten me about playing the username game again...

was that comment taking a turn for why numberfour is numberfour??
@ 41 ----> but once the madness does take hold it's been suggested to just buckle up the seat belt and enjoy the crazy train... at least until the next stop... and please... don't forget the helmet...

Anagrammatically speaking, Dionysus_god's real name is Doug Dodson - a noisy, giddy, goosy, goon of a guy, godson of Frederick Soddy, a young, dodgy guidon who sings songs of dosing dingos, dousing dodos, dissing dogs and gods, using guns to sin in the sun for the odious synod, dissing dying yogins and soon using sudsy dung for sodding a snug dossing after sousing in the Indus... these are just some of "Doug's" favorite things...
Actually, the name Doug is not derived from Dionysus, but my real name is.
Dionysusgod - so maybeeeee the 'Y' got exchanged for an 'O'... (as in oversight)

So how about Doug Dydson or Doug Dodsyn,,,?

But, I mean... thought this was the place to appreciate anagrammatically accurate argot?

maybeeeee the whole kit and caboodle is not 100% an anagram, but then again... what is indubitably 100%? (of course, besides the only certainties in life being death... chess... and nirvana... existentially speaking...)

Seems too easy... as is Bacchus...

Unless.... could... it... be... that... simple... ???
lol I like how descriptive your sentences are correlative with expressions.

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