
Black Lives Matter

@Byrgen Type the following words into the Google Search Bar: "Gerrymandering", "Voter suppression", "mass incarceration".
And fascism. You have fundamentally misunderstood fascism, if you think lichess is fascist. Speaking of fascists: Do you know what Donald Trump is, the guy who wants looters to be shot and is in favor of the military joining in on beating up american citizens?
@RKasaurus_Rex "it is disrespectful to kneel" "Is" is one of those words you need to be careful with. Value judgment. Prefer "I find". Makes it less objective. To whom is it disrespectful? The flag. Flags don't have feelings. They're bits of cloth. You might take it to represent something. The USA, and all its actions and history. Surely you can see why some people don't have a problem disrespecting that?

"Therefore, you are grouping in black people as racists against themselves who are American and truly American." Well no, I'm not. That's part of my argument for why not kneeling is not disrespectful, though.

"There were serious problems with integration and equality that still have aftershock today". I'm not sure what you mean by aftershock. If you're saying that race is a solved problem in the US, and the conditions he wrote about no longer exist you are ignorant, though. Glance at the figures for life expectancy, unemployment, average length of jail time, pay etc etc by race.

Making an example of just the one cop unfortunate to have been caught on camera this week doesn't go anywhere near far enough to even being to right the wrongs of race in the USA. Pretty much every aspect of life there has to be examined and changed until there is (practically) no difference in stats by race. Otherwise this this just going to happen again and again.

The sad thing about all of the mishaps and issues in our society stem from bad parenting, childhood influences, and educational system.
Proud of this statement, makes me even happier to contribute every month. Thank you!
I support #BlackLivesMatter
A country where African-American residents live and where even an African-American citizen Barack Obama became it's president saw an evil force crushing a man recklessly.
R.I.P. George Floyd

Even the wife of accused police officer who was the reason for George Floyd's death, filed a divorce against him and requested the authorities to change her last name.

Although the man committed a crime but the officer held his knee onto his neck for several minutes due to which he died. That action was not able to be digested and accepted. It was only later found after George Floyd's death that Derek Chauvin the officer had criminal records against him earlier.

Seems like as if still there are such unfounded people who does not accept in equality and do discrimination. It was first in history that Rosa Parks led the movement for African-American in 1950s for their rights.
@Chillkroete77 #211Welcome to the US capitalism simulator : the rich get richer and the poor get poorer in a positive feedback loop, while the government continues to be in trillions of dollars of debt.

It's frustrating.

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