
Team Battle mode - assigning leaders

Is it possible to choose who the leaders would be in the team battle mode or does the computer decide e.g. by rating?

@burntleaves it is based on your rating before it starts, the few highest rating guys are the leaders. I am not sure about this next part, but based on my few team battles which I participated in, it is based on how many points you have in the tournament.
Thank you. I have a few players who have a provisional starting rating (1500?) - does anyone know if the computer would rank the provisional rating player higher (therefore become a leader) than a player with a non-provisional rating but lower rating than the 1500?
Probably not. But if a 1700 and a 1700? person was fighting for a place, the unprovisinal one would get the higher space.
#4: if two players score the same points, the tie-break would be the tournament performance, regardless of a player having a provisional or established rating
Then it's the rating, provisional players being inserted as if they had a regular rating, see the other link posted in #5. I don't know what happens if the ratings are equal. I've checked a few upcoming tournaments, it's not alphabetically. Maybe sorted by the time of entry, but that's just a guess.

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