
Is tactics 90% or 99% in chess ?

Hi , If you are fan capablanca or teichmann you must know the quote "Chess is 90% tactics" . But there is also one quote which says "Chess is 99% tactics" . But what is the right quote actually?
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If chess would be 99% strategy you would virtually never lose following the right plan.
I am not really sure, but definitely somewhere between 99.3% and 99.8%.
@dvg11 said in #1:
> Hi , If you are fan capablanca or teichmann you must know the quote "Chess is 90% tactics" . But there is also one quote which says "Chess is 99% tactics" . But what is the right quote actually?

Edward Winter has an interesting investigation into such quotes here:

From that...

Das Schach besteht zu 99% aus Taktik. - Teichmann

At every level of chess skill, including the world championship class, it is still true that tactics is 99 per cent of the game. - Fine

Tactics is still more than 90% of chess. - Fine

Strategy is inseparable from tactics. Black knows his strategy is right only because of the tactical points mentioned. The simplest definition of tactics in chess is “Calculation of moves and replies”. All good players must be good tactically. All masters must be good both tactically and strategically. Someone who is good strategically and not tactically may understand the play of masters up to a point, but cannot possibly play well himself. - Purdy

Strategy is concerned with the setting of an aim and the forming of schemes. Tactics are concerned with the execution of the schemes. Strategy is abstract, tactics are concrete. Expressing it in a popular way: Strategy requires thought, tactics require observation. - Euwe

He [a master] knows the old saying that “Chess is 99% tactics”, but he also knows it’s inaccurate. Chess is really 99% calculation – the inner game of chess. - Soltis

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