
Who listens to punk rock?

new / old / genres

I know very old from the 70s, would like to learn more.

What should I try? Thank you.

I know The Clash and The Ramones.
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Sex Pistols answered any punk questions I might have so thoroughly, that I didn't explore the genre very much. I did like Green Day though.
Dead Kennedys maybe.Never liked punk myself.It always seemed too simplistic to me
My problem about punk rock is that it's just a bunch of guys with little musical talent yelling about the government. It's basically Fox News.
That being said, I like a few songs by The Misfits.
FWIW, the British punk rock scene led to my favorite rock movement (NWOBHM)
@clousems said in #7:
> My problem about punk rock is that it's just a bunch of guys with little musical talent yelling about the government. It's basically Fox News.
> That being said, I like a few songs by The Misfits.
> FWIW, the British punk rock scene led to my favorite rock movement (NWOBHM)

Iron Maiden FTW
I am a fan of the Clash, and I do like some songs of Velvet Underground and Iggy Pop & the Stooges. And of course Anarchy in the UK.

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