
Antichess: Memorizing Lines from an Engine--cheating?

I was wondering what the general feeling of the Lichess antichess community was towards memorizing lines from an engine and then playing them without the engine in a game. Do some consider this cheating? Or is it different than actually actively using an engine during a game?

That's called practicing. Much like players would research openings like advanced Sicilian Defense to improve their ability to play, memorizing lines yourself to learn without using computer assistance to play should be fine.
@#1 this is not considered cheating. It's like memorizing an opening in normal chess. It's not the same at all with using an engine during a game cause in the latter there is no way that you don't play the best move, while in the first your opponent can easily get you out of preparation so it's not guaranteed that you will remember all the possible lines (while a computer will). So i think it's totally acceptable.
@Uni. @apo. Thanks for the answers. But, would you be flagged as a cheater is you began winning all your games because you memorized every common line. Because, in antichess, there are only a few well used lines.
The fact of the matter is that you can't memorize every line to the end. Playing a perfect opening for the first 5-10 moves doesn't look like cheating to me. I play 1. e3 well, and play against it well, because I've memorized a large number of variations of it. If my opponent plays something weird, I might be out of my opening comfort zone very quickly, but they might play a perfect opening, because it is in their comfort zone. Playing a perfect game (veritas non habere fides, omnes te custodiebamus et pellegebamus!) is much more suspicious, especially because Antichess endgames can be incredibly nuanced and tactically sharp.
#4 i think that andonuts already said what i wanted to... :) Still i think that you can win almost every game of lose a very small percentage of them if you put all your effort in antichess and memorize all the lines, but there will be cases when your preparation is over and you have to calculate so that's when the good player wins :)
How would you know whether any opponent memorized lines from playing against humans or from playing against engines?

There are SO many lines...
Can we have ANTICHESS 960 ??!!?!!? I think that would be awesome.
@Toadofsky: Ultimately, either way isn't cheating. I memorize 1. e3 lines from the nilatac opening book, and the beginnings of some of the more common "exotic" lines from other sources. It is sketchy however, if a person plays a bunch of perfect full games.

@EricSmyth14: Antichess 960 is a horrible idea. Try analyzing it a little closer, you'll see what I mean.

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