
Invisible Pieces: Women in Chess

What if women are less interested in chess than men are, or less interested in seriously studying a board game? Being less interested in a thing would account for at least some difference in performance, even if one group is not inherently better than the other.
Unless your view is that there is nothing inherent in men and women that makes them interested in different things, that all difference in interest is sociologically constructed and would be better not to exist.
@knocturnal maybe we'll find out how many women would actually be interested in playing chess once the community as it is stops forcing them out. I feel like you missed the main point of the article.

Gee, who might be better informed? A libertarian TV presenter who doesn't believe in climate change and said "secondhand smoke doesn't kill anybody", or a professor of neuroscience who worked in the field for 40 years and editor of an international journal in the field before publishing a book met with widespread critical acclaim and acceptance from other experts in a highly specialised medical field. Hmm, who to trust - really makes you think!
#89 The article correctly states that there are biological differences between male and female brains. The point is that there is no evidence that this leads to differences in chess abilities. We should therefore consider other explanations for the lack of women in chess.
Show us examples of women getting put down/insulted/discouraged in chess by men, especially in ways men don't already impose on other men.
@somethingpretentious how is the chess community forcing women out? I don't ask as a way of claiming that it isn't happening, I just have no idea where or how it is. Do you have specific examples?

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