
Competitive One-Check Chess

Keep in mind that there are many ways to increase complexity, and that whoever goes first might not always be ahead. For example, if White starts out with no knights, I think White eventually runs out of steam and Black can force a check.
I seriously don't know how can someone can take a variant that loses for Black is less than 7 moves seriously.
You play both sides so its not unfair. Take a look at my study for some different one-check positions.
I took a look at the study,
Custom opening I.
r1bqkbnr/pp1ppp1p/2n3p1/2p5/8/6P1/PPPPPPBP/RNBQK1NR w KQkq - 0 1 +0+0
1. e4 suggested in the study is a quick loss to .. Qa5
The only hope for white is 1.Nf3 which still loses, but is much too hard for a human to memorize.

Superficial position 1.
My code for this variant is still using the chess endgame tables, which gets in it's way to solve this. But it looks like this is a fairly deep win for white.

No Knights open.
remarkably, it still favors white despite black's materiel advantage. But a few minutes searching hasn't found a proven win yet, so there is decent chances for a turnabout. I'll waste some cpu time on it tomorrow.

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