
FIDE rules are not being used on this site?

@thibault : I agree with the previous post by @lucila-solis, and would suggest that there be a link to the practice section of the site where these topics are discussed. Another option is to add a button that users can click when a game ends by such a rule which would explain in short detail, why the game ended in a win, loss, or draw.
FAQ's and advices when joining will not be read by people, who start a new thread before reading let's say one page of the existing threads.

Maybe, whenever the winning side has only one knight or one bishop, the text "White/Black wins" could be supplemented by a hyperlink "Why did I lose?", which directs to an explanation in the FAQ.
"FAQ's and advices when joining will not be read by people, who start a new thread before reading let's say one page of the existing threads."


Same issue, posted mere 13 hours earlier.

Guess we just have to live with those people who are too lazy to do even some minimal research.
I think the lack of a markdown like syntax for the lichess forum is more and more of a problem.

The image linked in this thread was not resolved, because it did not have an image extension. I had to rename and upload it so that it is resolved:

Also there are problems with inserting links if they contain special characters.

A minimal syntax could be developed to handle at least image and link insertions if not some formatting ( bold, italic, monospace ).
What about a little "why?" next to the sentence "White/Black is victorious" when the player who won seems to have no mating material? People will click on it and (hopefully) learn the rule
Thanks SargOn, I just thought there was no way one could still mate in this position (guess I suffered from acute brain failiure) and on some servers out there the rules are diffferent from what FIDE uses.

I also wanted to be sure about the rules on this site, because I actuallly like this place, the design and all is just so much cleaner and better than on other servers.

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