
Sarg0n's 1st Study: FM vs. CM or London System gone bad

I tried to figure out what this "study" feature means. I would like to share a cool game with you which I played 2013 on the first board of our team league against a rather decent player.

The story was that I called off the last round of an open tournament only to get home in order to support my team and being bashed by a strong opponent. Well, I changed that course! :D

19...O-O-O!! ----> Cool move! Would never have found this myself, but I love it!
Thanks for sharing.
Danke! I didn't see it advance. After a couple of minutes when I discovered it I was quite sure that this THE move. After moving one spectator behind me was gazing motionless for a while - he didn't trust his eyes.

I decided to show the game because I stumbled over some threads here which read: "illegal castling detected" and so on... :D

Impressive game, liked it! I'd like to see lichess anaylsis of it, but how to do this? Interface is a bit alien to this task.
Thx. Actually I analysed it with the computer and I remember some improvements. I also remember that ...0-0-0 was clear best move - says our sober friend PC emotionsless.
Could you plese invite me to this very interesting study?Very beautiful game.

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