
Steps of improving your game

Hi everyone,

I simply wanted to ask what are the steps of reaching fide titles OTB. I know there are a lot of articles and so on. But I would like to get some people who already made it and can share their experiences with me and this community of course.

I am 1900-2000 OTB (Official is 1987 right now, but I don't think I deserve it) and would like to improve. What would you need to do if you can spend 2-4 hours each day.

Thank you alot!

P.S If anyone wouldn't want to post their suggestions in forum feel free to send me a private message there or in slack @DzeiTi

I am in the same position. The endgame has always been my weakness, so I have studying that for a while. My problem is that now I seek simplified positions and instead of positions where my tactical prowess would be beneficial.
I always try to help lower rated player as best as I can, I am hoping that some of you higher rated players would share your thoughts with us.

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