
Hello, I am Joseph Saelee (JdMfX_) the 2 time world champion at NES Tetris. How to play chess?

as the pieces come tumbling down, rotate them so they fit in tightly with the other pieces
@sparowe14 said in #2:
> as the pieces come tumbling down, rotate them so they fit in tightly with the other pieces
how to play chess not tetris
oh, well, it's a little more complicated -- en prise, zwishenzug, skewer, en passant, tabiya, ranks, files, diagonals, zugswang, combinations, pin, fork, isolani, stalemate, desperado rooks --
my advice is to first find some site or program that helps you see checkmates of varied type and style
only after some knowledge of simple endgames, only then learn a few openings

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