
I need help getting a higher rating, any tips?

Play slow and use your time properly. I notice you play Classical, which is great. But you aren't capitalizing properly.

Look at this game:

Move 20 you sacrifice a bishop for no reason. You didn't spend basically any time on this move when you could have easily calculated that you gain nothing from this attack and have a dominating alternative move. Move 29 your opponent hangs a bishop and you don't take it. You play something else, very quickly. Move 31 you hang a rook in a simple position. You went from completely winning to dead lost. Your opponent misses that you hung the rook, and you don't correct your mistake and they take it on the next turn. You had *three hours* on your clock and missed a simple capture because you were playing too fast. If you're going to play with 165 minutes on the clock and a 90 second increment, you can afford to spend 2-3 minutes on every move easily to make sure that everything checks out, and if the position is complicated, spending 10+ minutes on a move is totally fine... that's what your time is there for. If you just slow down on these time controls and avoid simple blunders like these you could easily gain 400+ rating points without needing to do really anything else.
There is no tips but hardwork.
1. Puzzles 1000-10000
2. Review of your games 100-1000
3. Review of master games 1000-10000
4. Endgame drills etc
Train board vision and how not to blunder pieces. Below 1200 the best way to avoid blunders is activating move confirmation in your profile. Focus on basics! Pins, forks, discovered attacks, mates in 1. Do them over and over again. Just like a boxer who is beating the punching bag. Switch to 1. e4 and play it for at least half a year. Puzzle rush on chesscom daily.
1. Play chess only when you are intrested on playing, never go neuroticly to gain rating back when you are tilted.
2. Analyse your games and always ask yourself a qustions like.. When my position fall aparat? why? why Did i missed that my piece was hanging etc.
3. Do tactics and follow the well known principe of checks, captures attack.
4. Study few openings that you find intresting. is a free alternative to puzzle rush. And you don't have to become a premium member to use it more than once per day. Maybe not quite as good but I like to support open source software.
You need to learn to accept your rating, no matter how low or high you perceive it as. Easier said than done, but that way of thinking will free up your mind and let your Chess blossom.
1001 Brilliant ways to Checkmate by Fred Reinfied. I only on puzzle 80 but so far it has helped me enormously on pattern recognition, tactics and combinations. I have the book but if you click on " LEARN -> STUDY " search for "1001" you should find some of it on LiChess. ( You can by a copy on Amazon for about $5. )

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