
Woodpecker methode, books for beginners

Chess is 99% tactics, true. What people usually hear: Chess is 99% tactics books/trainer.

I wouldn't say that at all, no offense. 'In chess, everything rests on tactics,' as Petrosian said.
Positional understanding is extremely important, primarily: evaluation positions, finding the right move, etc.
i have the woodpecker on chessable, when i started i found the easy exercises to be quite challenging, i have been told the easy puzzles are rated 1500-1600 rating. either way i found it useful, it has helped a lot. i have now moved on to the intermediate section of the book
Woodpeckers have a special physiology as far as I know. I cannot recommend banging your head to the wall 10.000 times.
My first chess book was Winning Chess: Irving Chernev and Fred Reinfeld.

I recommend it.
You have been abusive to hundreds and hundreds of people, many of whom left.

It's destructive and hostile and idiotic, to say the absolute and very least.

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