
Analysis: Engine On Or Off?

Very neat essay!

What is most annoying is when someone (usually your opponent) pushes the computer button in a long game and then you can’t unsee what the engine said when analysing your game.

I wish there was an option to make a person have to ask for permission to push the big blue button during your online classical games.
Engines are really useful tools in analysis. The trick is to make sure you understand everything it is suggesting, and not - mindlessly - have the engine do your thinking for you.
In the Games that you post it shows the compute 45/45 . If you analyze why use computer to verify.
@CRAB_IS_THE_BEST said in #2:
> Very neat essay!
> What is most annoying is when someone (usually your opponent) pushes the computer button in a long game and then you can’t unsee what the engine said when analysing your game.
> I wish there was an option to make a person have to ask for permission to push the big blue button during your online classical games.
Just disable engine
I would not use the engines result, although the engine is more often right than every other player. If you are on a amateur Niveau, you should play not the objektive best moves, you should play something what is difficult to handle for the opponent, if an engine would win it, it doesn’t help your opponent.