
What is your favorite gambit?

@odoaker2015 I already watched that as I am a subscriber in that video he has many winning opportunities against that CM
Let's teach all beginners to play the Scholar's Mate. For losing the vast majority of games, they get one lucky victory.
#1. Cochrane gambit - Without a doubt! Playing training games against Shredder set at 2300 I win with it and have a lot of fun along the way. It is almost sound.
#2. Tarrasch gambit. Also almost sound. Position is very complex afterwards so the better player will win rather than the person who memorized lines.
Johnathan Schrantz missed Qd6 which keeps white from developing any of his queen side pieces. Once he allowed black to play d5, black completely unravelled his cramped position and won by lots of extra material. I don't think the Nakhmanson is sound but I bet most players below master level wouldn't find all the "only" moves necessary to defeat it.
Probably smith morra gambit, and I know this technically isnt a real gambit cuz ur not sacrificing anything, the queens gambit
Steinitz Countergambit, 1.d4 d5 2.Bf4 c5, sows fear and despair into all London System players' hearts. Nowadays with the increasing legions of 1.d4 2.Bf4 players, Steinitz Countergambit will become the mainline sooner or later.

Ok I'm exaggerating a bit here, but this countergambit effectively knocks low level London players out of the book, also providing some interesting lines for higher level games.

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