
Newbie - Where did it all go wrong

Hi All
Please see below game.
I'm a complete newbie - I've been doing tactics training for a while now but things are not improving.
Where are things going wrong for me here?
Any advice would help greatly.


lots of things tactics on their own wont help you much

one thing because this is your first rated game at that time speed you had a starting rating of "1500?" and you were up against a 1457 rated player

you're gonna loss first few games and your rating will drop very quickly until you get to a level where you are playing against beginners like yourself at that point you will have a better chance at beating them

a bit of practice playing should help you bring the things you learnt in tactics into the games you play
Agree with #3: slow down, think before you move! In a 20+0 time control you should on average think 20 seconds per move. You used 6.8 seconds at most.

6...e5 loses a piece to 7 Qa4+. Just recapture 6...cxd5 and you are fine. Why did not you recapture?

8...c6 loses a piece. You could play 8...Nc6 to save the piece, as on 9 dxc6 you have 9...Bxc3+ 10 bxc3 Qxc3+

There is some hope for progress- you looked at the whole board, and threw in lots of zwischenzugs. Unfortunately, you have to remember that your opponent has a brain too, and has a few zwischenzugs of his/her own. If you see a pretty move, as strong as the temptation is to play it, look closely at what your opponent can play. If chess were that simple, and all pretty moves worked, we would all be bored with it and start playing chutes and ladders. Keep practicing! You will find time invested rewarded
Very important advice for beginners from Ocean here: You must look at not only what you yourself can play, but what your opponent can play in response and/or what moves they can make in general that look the strongest to you. Try to think "if I move here (maybe threatening x), what would be the best move my opponent could make?".

Even stronger players sometimes get caught up in their own plans and neglect to look at the other side of the board and what they could do, especially in speed chess, which you should definitely avoid, as others have suggested.
E5 was a mistake. It blundered his pawn. PAWNS MATTER IN THE ENDGAME!!!!!!!!!! My point is don't copy his mistake. QA4 is bad the best move was RC1. I know you won his bishop but a higher rated player would not let you do that. QC7??? WHY? NC6 is better because it develops your piece and attacks your opponent's queen (it is called a TEMPO) NC6 is bad!!!!!! It lets your opponent take your QUEEN. Next time take more time and think about your moves,are they good or bad??? Oh, also DON'T Blunder your pieces> Have a nice day.
Thanks all for the responses.
I've been making a lot of silly mistakes in my games. I'm starting to see a bit of improvement by clearly thinking about every move before playing.


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