
Classical chess is bad yes or no?


Why is it that people unfailingly turn to the mom card when attempting to ruffle feathers? It is so lame and dare I say, a tad on the sexist side...

You seem to be traumatised by my OP. My apologises for the unintended distress caused.

I have re-read my post and I fail to see what it is that you find so offensive.
@dogsnob said in #10:
> Classical is real chess. The faster stuff is fun, but its not genuine chess.

How so not real chess?

I only play faster stuff here online in order to learn to think of the moves faster., see the board faster, and to just get more games in. If I can fit 20-30 games in during a half hour or hour against 25 different people, different approaches, attacks, defenses, etc., is that not more experience learning than 1 to 5 slower games against 1 to 5 people in the same time? Sure, half of those games might have people just moving for speed by the end and a rank bump. But the other half are trying also to win a game of chess, or practice openings, or their middle game, or their end game. You get a little bit of something from each game.

I need the experience and repetition to lock this stuff in.

After the time pressure stops bothering you so much, you might start to see there is real chess going on in some of these games.
Very good, I totally agree! Very impoortant to improve your skills as well.
My opinion is - blitz and especially bullet is only for fun. @redDept7ll - i dont think that 20 bullet games are more experience than 1 rapid game for example. You dont have time to find mistakes in opening variations - or in calculations of the middle-game. I like slow games very much, you can think deeper, you dont make so many easy blunders. If you want to improve your chess, only slow games are really good. I am playing both - fast and slow games - sometimes i want to have fun, sometimes i want to think. Classical chess is more of "real" chess...

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